Whether your teeth are naturally dark or have become stained over time, whitening treatments can provide exceptional results that truly last- a brighter smile, and a huge boost in confidence.

At Renmore Dental, we offer several types of professional teeth whitening; our previous blog post discusses our at-home whitening kit, which you can read here. However, for those who would like more information on our alternative whitening options, this post aims to guide you through our KöR™ MAX teeth whitening treatment. 


What is the the KöR™ MAX Whitening system?

Widely regarded as the most effective professional teeth whitening brand on the market today, KöR™ MAX is a highly successful, advanced teeth whitening system that combines the convenience of at-home whitening with a single, in-surgery whitening treatment to provide the optimum whitening result.

Similar to our at-home teeth whitening kit, KöR™ treatment also involves whitening your teeth using custom trays and specially formulated gels at home overnight, for the period of time recommended by your dentist (usually 2-3 consecutive weeks). Unlike our at-home whitening system, KöR™ MAX also involves one session of an in-chair whitening treatment, using a higher potency whitening gel to boost the results achieved at home. Once this has been completed, monthly maintenance top-ups are required to ensure long-lasting results.


What are the steps involved in KöR™ MAX Whitening?

At Renmore Dental, KöR™ MAX whitening is provided exclusively by Dr. Tony McLoughlin, so we would always recommend a full dental examination with Dr. Tony for patients who are interested in this treatment. This is to ensure that there are no outstanding dental issues (for example decay, poor oral hygiene) that need to be addressed before we can provide any teeth whitening treatment.

Once any outstanding dental work has been completed (if necessary), a quick digital impression appointment is required, during which the dentist takes a digital scan of your teeth using an intraoral imaging scanner.

These digital scans are then sent directly to a premium dental lab, who create a custom set of teeth whitening trays, specifically designed to fit your teeth.

Once your custom trays have returned to us from the dental lab, you will need a second appointment to fit the trays, during which your dentist will demonstrate the whitening process for you, provide you with the KöR™ MAX whitening kit, and explain exactly how to achieve the optimum whitening results.

Once you have received your KöR™ MAX whitening kit and custom whitening trays, you will then whiten your teeth at home using the specially-formulated gels provided.

Your dentist will always recommend the ideal length of treatment for you; generally we recommend that patients wear their trays overnight while sleeping, every night for a minimum period of 14 days; however your dentist may recommend more than this depending on your current shade, and your desired level of whitening.

Once you have completed your at-home whitening, you will then return to the practice to have the KöR™ MAX in-surgery whitening treatment completed.


How does the KöR™ MAX Whitening system differ from general at-home whitening?

As mentioned, KöR™ MAX differs from our general at-home whitening kit as it also involves one session of an in-chair whitening application using a higher potency whitening gel.

This in-surgery treatment usually takes place a few days after finishing your at-home whitening course, and the appointment generally lasts about 2 hours. During this session, the dentist will apply the KöR™ Dual-Activated, Tri-Barrel Hydremide® Peroxide gel that is specifically formulated to boost the whitening results and “lock-in” the new, brighter shade achieved. This is an essential step during KöR™ whitening, to ensure the optimal shade and lasting results are achieved.



Does the KöR™ MAX Whitening system cause sensitivity?

All of the teeth whitening treatments we offer are perfectly safe and cause no harm to the teeth, however patients may experience some sensitivity during the whitening process. This sensitivity is temporary, and will subside following completion of treatment.

With KöR™ whitening, your teeth may become particularly sensitive during and after the in-surgery whitening procedure, as a higher strength gel is used. However, a specially formulated KöR™ desensitiser will be applied during treatment to alleviate this.


How long do the results of teeth whitening last?

Teeth whitening provides a stable and lasting result, long after the initial course of whitening is finished. Of course, factors such as genetics, age, diet and lifestyle (smoking, tea and coffee consumption, etc.) may affect the longevity of results, however for most patients the results are long-lasting and easily maintained.

The KöR™ MAX whitening system involves regular top-ups once the initial course has been completed, using the KöR™ whitening gel overnight once per month.

The most important aspect of maintaining superb whitening results is an excellent oral hygiene routine. Even after whitening, normal staining from the food and drinks we consume (tea, coffee, red wine, curry, etc.) will build back up on the teeth; however this is easily removed during routine scale and polish appointments, so it is important to keep up your regular hygienist visits.


Before and After Whitening


How do I know which type of whitening I am suitable for?

The type of whitening you require will depend on many factors, such as your current shade, your aesthetic expectations and what other treatments are required along with teeth whitening. Your dentist will always recommend which type of whitening will best suit your smile, so a consultation is essential to determine the treatment that is right for you.


How much does teeth whitening cost?

Our KöR™ MAX whitening costs between €800.00 to €850.00, depending on the length of the whitening course required; therefore we always recommend a dedicated consultation with one of our clinicians to receive an accurate quotation and discuss the treatment options that are right for you.


How do I start the teeth whitening process?

If you are interested in professional teeth whitening, we would love to hear from you! We would recommend booking a dedicated consultation with one of our clinicians to discuss which whitening option would be best for you; contact our patient care team on 091 757 678 or email info@renmoredental.ie for more information.