Emergency Dental Care
At Renmore Dental, the highest priority is given to dental emergencies, and our patient care team will always try their absolute best to accommodate our patients in an emergency situation.
Whether you are experiencing pain and swelling, or have physically damaged your teeth through injury or trauma, it is vital that you contact us as soon as possible during a dental emergency; the sooner we can provide treatment for you, the quicker you can begin to recover, and the less likely it is that you will need more complex dental work at a later stage.
If you need an emergency appointment, we would advise contacting the practice as early in the morning as possible, so that we can accommodate you as soon as we can. In the meantime, you can visit our FAQ section for helpful advice on some of the most common dental emergencies.
Please note our emergency appointments are subject to availability, and we do not operate a walk-in emergency service; treatment is available by appointment only.