The New Year brings with it many questions regarding PRSI entitlements, how to claim tax relief on the previous year’s dental procedures, and how dental insurance works when it’s time to submit those receipts- so here’s your handy guide to all of the above in 2025.


PRSI & the Treatment Benefit Scheme


What is the Treatment Benefit Scheme?

At Renmore Dental, we are registered providers of dental treatment under the Treatment Benefit Scheme, making it quick and easy to claim your entitlements.

Organised by the Department of Social Protection, the Treatment Benefit Scheme provides a limited financial contribution towards some dental services. You can only avail of treatment under this scheme if you have reached the required number of PRSI contributions.

The number of required PRSI contributions will vary depending on your age, and whether you are an employee, self-employed, or retired. Further information on the Treatment Benefit Scheme and the eligibility criteria can be found on Citizens Information.


What treatments am I entitled to under the Treatment Benefit Scheme?

Those who qualify under the Treatment Benefit Scheme are entitled to:

  • One free dental examination per calendar year.


  • One €42 payment towards either a basic cleaning (capped at a €15 patient contribution) OR one periodontal treatment (not capped, where the patient must pay the balance).


For this reason, there are two types of cleaning available under PRSI- a basic cleaning @ €15.00, and a protracted gum treatment for those with more advanced gum issues, for which the patient must pay the remaining balance of €43.00.

Which cleaning you require is based on your current periodontal health, and your dentist/hygienist will carry out whichever treatment is most appropriate for you based on your oral hygiene requirements.


How do I check if I am eligible under the Treatment Benefit Scheme?

To check if you are eligible under this scheme, simply contact our patient care team over the phone on 091 757 678, and provide both your PPS number and your date of birth.

Checking eligibility usually takes a few minutes, and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about what to do once your eligibility has been checked.


Why am I not qualified under the Treatment Benefit Scheme?

If our patient care team has checked your eligibility and you are not approved under the Treatment Benefit Scheme, you may not have the required number of PRSI contributions to qualify yet, or something may have changed recently that has affected your eligibility (e.g. a career break, maternity leave, change of employment, etc.).

More information on how many contributions each age/employment category needs to qualify can be found on Citizens Information.


How do I use my PRSI contributions towards the eligible treatments?

Once our patient care team has confirmed that you are qualified under the Treatment Benefit Scheme and you have booked for your eligible treatments, claims are processed on your behalf by your dental practice, so you do not have to do anything yourself to claim your PRSI entitlements, it is all taken care of for you by our patient care team.



Claiming Tax Relief for Dental Treatment


Which dental treatments can I claim tax back on?

Some non-routine dental treatments are eligible for 20% tax relief from Revenue, under the Med2 scheme. Note tax relief is not available on all dental treatment, and only certain procedures are applicable.

Below is the list of treatments that ARE ELIGIBLE for tax relief under the Med2 scheme:

  • Crowns
  • Veneers or Rembrandt type etched fillings
  • Tip replacing (replacement made outside of the mouth)
  • Post & core build-ups
  • Inlays
  • Endodontics (root canal treatment)
  • Periodontal treatment for gum disease such as: root planing (including curettage and debridement)
  • Chrome cobalt splints (but not if it contains teeth)
  • Implants (including bone grafting and bone augmentation)
  • Orthodontic treatment (provision of braces and related treatments)
  • Surgical extraction of impacted wisdom teeth
  • Bridgework (an enamel-retained bridge or a tooth-supported bridge).


Routine dentistry is NOT ELIGIBLE for tax relief; treatments such as exams, regular cleanings, fillings, extractions, dentures, and teeth whitening are not applicable for tax relief, and cannot be claimed under the Med2 scheme/any other scheme provided by Revenue.


What is a Med2 form, and how do I obtain one if needed?

Once you have finished a non-routine treatment with us, our patient care team will provide you with a Med2 form. This Med2 form is like a receipt, and provides proof to Revenue of the non-routine nature of your dental treatment. It is not a claim form, and does not need to be submitted to Revenue in order to claim your tax relief- it is to be kept for your own records, and provided to Revenue if they request additional proof of your treatment.  

If you do not receive a Med2 form after your dental treatment, you can always contact our patient care team to request a Med2 form be sent to you for past treatment where applicable (tax relief is usually available for the previous 4 years, with each year requiring a separate Med2 form).


How do I claim the tax relief on eligible dental treatments?

Claiming your 20% tax relief on non-routine dental treatment is done online through Revenue’s “myAccount” service.

While they are not always needed, Revenue may ask for additional proof of your claim in the form of a receipt and/or your Med2 form, so have these to hand in case Revenue request them after your claim is submitted. Further details on how to claim for your health expenses can be found on the Revenue website.


Using Dental Insurance


Does Renmore Dental accept dental insurance?

While patients can use their dental insurance towards treatment with us, we do not work directly with any insurance company- patients who wish to claim dental treatment through their insurance do so themselves, through their own insurance provider upon completion of treatment.


How do I use my dental insurance towards treatment?

Once your treatment is complete with us and all payments have been received, our patient care team will provide you with any itemised receipts that may be required by your insurance provider. You can then submit these receipts to your insurance provider directly.


How do I check if the dental treatment I am receiving will be covered under my dental insurance?

Following your first/annual dental examination, your dentist will provide you with an itemised plan outlining all treatment required and the costs involved.

Once a comprehensive treatment plan has been outlined for you, you can then check your individual policy and what treatments it covers; patients can also send this treatment plan directly to their insurance provider, and they should be able to clarify how much coverage is available on your specific insurance plan.


How do I get my forms filled in to provide to my insurance company?

Most insurance providers now make claiming back on dental treatment as quick as possible, by logging into your account and submitting claims/uploading receipts through an online system.

However in the event that you do need a physical insurance form filled out, simply bring a copy of the form with you to your dental appointment and our patient care team/clinicians will fill out any applicable sections for you.


Still have questions?

Remember, if you ever have any questions- our patient care team are always happy to help! Call us on 091 757 678 or email and we will aim to answer any questions you may have, or get in touch via submission form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.